Hello friends,
as we are still waiting for (hopefully positive) announcements about the changes in provincial restrictions that prevents us from running classes at this time, we would like to invite you to a zoom chat and presentation about the Italian longsword fencing treatises that are the key sources of our curriculum.
Even if you are not taking longsword classes, you might find the presentation of interest as these manuscripts shaped the works of the latter Italian masters of sidesword and rapier.
If you have friends who were not taking classes at Signum Corvus, but would be interested in the topic, they are most welcome to join.
The link to the zoom meeting:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82096959195?pwd=TEFlWjdFaXdNZXlOWExmemhJSmJkdz09 Meeting ID: 820 9695 9195 Passcode: 309841 Looking forward to seeing you,
Team Signum Corvus